Individual Membership
The individual membership dues help support AAF's mission of
empowering amputees with information, self-help materials, and
referral services.
Professional Membership
The Professional Memberships are for prosthetic facilities, individual prosthetists, prosthetic manufacturers, and other organizations.
A Professional Member receives:
A listing on our web site
A membership certificate
An opportunity to post an Internet link within your listing on our web site, annually charged in addition to the
Professional membership dues
Placement on our Professional Members list which will be included in all information packets mailed out to new
amputees and/or their families
Over the years, AAF has been able to accumulate a vast reservoir of information helpful to amputees, their families, or care providers. Although most of this information is accessible through our National Resource Directory, there are still questions that are best answered person to person; over the phone or in writing. Our staff is more than happy to talk with anyone with a question.
Many organizations, hospitals, independent living centers, rehabilitation facilities, etc. refer amputees to us. If you would like to refer a patient/client print out this and fax it to us. Make sure it is signed so we are in accordance with HIPPA. Of course all information is confidential
We send new amputee referrals general information on amputation along with local resources they should find beneficial.
Sometimes a person just doesn't know where to turn to for help or with questions. AAF staff is trained to know to whom to refer a person in need. Whether it be a medical, funding, or psychological question, we should be able to get the amputee to the correct agency or organization.
Copyright © 2004 - 2023 American Amputee Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 94227
North Little Rock, AR 72190
501-835-9290 / 501-835-9292 Fax